
Thinking man Why should I ask why? We learn from our experiences or from the experience of others. In all we do, we constantly need to know the reason for the things we do, knowing why we want something, why we do the things we do, why we act the way we do. Asking why makes us have second thoughts and reason deeper, it helps… Read more

This journey or the next

John’s parents just moved to a new town, he is in a new school, he is both starting a new stage of his education in a new environment and in a new and totally different level. Today is his first day at his secondary school, the environment is different, the buildings are bigger, the faces are strange, there are lots of other people of his… Read more

The most high

There exist a certain rich man, he owns most international companies, controls all the important media outlets across the world, in every country his companies have employed over 100,000 people directly and millions indirectly. He owns air-crafts and military weapons companies, he owns numerous islands across the world, he has bought all the rights to every project going on in outer space. His companies controls… Read more

Personal budget guide

Budgets? He who fails to plan, plans to fail. A personal budget is a plan: a spending plan. A budget is a financial plan, a guide on how money is expected to be spent. Its a list of estimated spending and attached to a time frame. Budgets are prepared to guide spending. Helping to know how much is being spent on specific items over a period… Read more