New year resolutions

We are at that time again, the end of a calendar and the begining of another. With the thrills of the moment comes reflective thoughts. How have I fared? How blessed am I? What achievements have I accomplished? In what ways have I fall short of my expectations? And so on. These are the major basis for new year resolutions.

Life is a journey and we are constantly evolving. Periodically, from time to time, one should reflect on ones present status, conditions and factors around. We should look back to see how far we’ve gone in either the right or wrong directions to project forward. We should access ourselves sincerely and come to conclusions of how to correct our mistakes, perfect our ways, set new goals, or continue to follow the ones we’ve made.

New year resolutions aren’t compulsory, they aren’t a fixed ritual that must be adhered to. As conditions that surround each and everyone of us are unique, so will our desires and challenges. There shouldn’t be too much of crowd mentality in making them. After accessing ones self, practical conclusions should be made on what one will like to be done and how to go about them. Do not aim too high and do not be too lenient.

Resolutions are all about a being a better person, accomplishing your dreams and becoming fufilled. Wishing you a happy and fufilling new year.

Adeola Adebowale

I am a believer in good.