NMA Ogun On Strike again. Three-Day Warning Strike.

NMA Ogun On Strike AGAIN

Three-Day Warning Ongoing, Preparing for Indefinite. In Nigeria of today, everybody wants to be related to a medical doctor since everyone cannot be one however long they so wished. Medical emergencies are half penny a dozen yet becoming a medical doctor is no mean feat even as the medical-school course work is noted to be more voluminous and strenuous than any other university course up… Read more
Empty hospital beds

Matters Arising: Peculiar Allowance vs Hazard Allowance

Dearest colleagues, At the commencement of the first phase of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) Ogun strike action, I find it necessary to make the following comments. I beseech my elders to permit me to revisit certain histories without holding me in contempt. The agitation for review of Hazard Allowance for health workers must be more than two years old. At the national level, the… Read more

NMA vs FMoH: Ebola turn at Nigerian Resident Doctors

Diseases can be terrible; how much more epidemics? It was barely a week ago that I came down with fever, malaise and highly disturbing diarrhoea. It was just after I’d (unsuccessfully) treated malaria with drugs of questionable originality; they had been much cheaper. So my first differential was of course relapse. Then I realigned my sentiments with prevailing public opinion and arrived unquestioningly at Ebola… Read more