Easy9ja - living sacrifice fit for the masters use.

A living sacrifice, fit for the Master’s use

The phrase “a living sacrifice fit for the Master’s use” is from the Bible, specifically from the book of Romans. In Romans 12:1, Paul writes, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual worship.” What does it mean to be a living sacrifice fit for… Read more
Easy9ja - Doctor of medicine or interpreter of results

Doctor of Medicine, or Interpreter of Results?

There is now a recalcitrant trend among our people. It is not new, but it sure is growing. Before now, everyone knew to seek the (medical) doctor out whenever they ailed. It was the doctor who then decided what investigations to order, and what treatment to give, after thorough history taking and relevant physical examination. What we find now is rather different, the well-documented physician-apathy… Read more
Ronaldo Medida Certa weight loss

Medida Certa Weight loss program

Medida Certa is one of the most popular reality television shows in Brazil, and it has been praised for its positive message and its focus on helping people improve their health. The show has been criticized for its promotion of extreme weight loss measures, but it remains a popular choice for viewers. Medida Certa operates through: two seasons, where a group of contestants are followed… Read more