Hero or Villain

Recently I witnessed why we, a great nation in Wonderland; a corrupt nation at heart; and a weakling in reality, continually blaming more serious nations for our inadequacies and military deficiencies, cannot but be right where we are: aimless, voiceless, dying… our legislators collecting exorbitant salaries; our executives looting our treasury, and complicit in the evanescence of our oil; and our Naira falling, in need… Read more

UP Nepa!

The National Electric Power Authority was apparently established in the era of Authorities: cf. Nigerian Television Authority, Nigerian Port Authority; and which other ones? And it has none left! No legacy either. One thing that NEPA is remembered for till tomorrow is the epilepsy, sometimes stroke, of power supply– a feature that has defiled President after President, even the shoeless one. And another has been… Read more

Surviving the times

Since deprivation has become something to be proud of by our elites, I suppose it is high time we talked about it. According to credible international studies, a stunning majority of my people live below the poverty line: US$1 per day. So that (falsely) identifying with the masses by laying questionable claims to childhood shoelessness enthroned one President, and may yet enthrone another if claiming… Read more

Lessons from Ife

Elsewhere, “the price of freedom is watchfulness”; back home, the price we pay to still be on this side of the here-and-now is fear. Legendarily, it is the fear of the future, the fear of the unknown; but in more recent times, there is likewise the fear of the law… For we are aware of the laws protecting us, our being, our freedoms, our respectedness;… Read more
People living with disabilites

Possibilities for people living with disabilities

People living with disabilites The Clinical Pharmacy Clerkship in OOUTH, Sagamu runs for some 6 weeks and allows associate Pharmacists to receive clinical training and garner experience in clinical settings, to hone their skills, especially in the area of drug therapy, and to experience first-hand Pharmacy as a profession (of humanitarianism) in contrast to Pharmacy as a course of study. Like many things scholarly, it… Read more