This journey or the next

John’s parents just moved to a new town, he is in a new school, he is both starting a new stage of his education in a new environment and in a new and totally different level. Today is his first day at his secondary school, the environment is different, the buildings are bigger, the faces are strange, there are lots of other people of his… Read more

The most high

There exist a certain rich man, he owns most international companies, controls all the important media outlets across the world, in every country his companies have employed over 100,000 people directly and millions indirectly. He owns air-crafts and military weapons companies, he owns numerous islands across the world, he has bought all the rights to every project going on in outer space. His companies controls… Read more

Getting Off the High Horse

In the past week I have been slandered, insulted, even threatened. I have been called arrogant, egocentric, delusional and maniacal… In fact, they have said they may not allow me to pass my “part 6 (sic) MBBS exams”. Interestingly, majority of such statements came from a particular profession more than others; yes, the very ones I said must have been taught sauciness in school. Well,… Read more

NMA Strike – The eyes of Medusa

“I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly,To pass my life in purity and to practise my profession faithfully.I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous,And will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug.I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession,And will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to… Read more


Everyone wants to be a doctor, yet not everyone wants to be a “medicine man”. Every parent wants to have a doctor as a child, to be called Mama Doctor, Papa Doctor; even if such child is actually a(n unlicensed) patent medicine dispenser. Yes, ours is a society of vanities, so that even the dumb politician pays (for his credentials) to be doctored– not nursed.… Read more