Olokun (Olorun Okun – master of the ocean) is the great spirit of the ocean and wealth. It is the parent of Aje (trade). It rules over all water bodies. Olokun is the mighty deity that rules over the realm of salt and sea. Olokun’s power is believed to be woven into the fabric of the universe. Ifá narratives recount that Olokun’s fate is intertwined with the destiny of humanity.
In the ancient days, when trade winds carried merchants across the vast expanse of the Atlantic, Olokun’s influence stretched from the coastal kingdoms to the distant lands beyond. Ships laden with salt, gold, and ivory which sailed to distant shores were accountable to Olokun. In those days, Salt was a valuable commodity. A commodity which brought about the word Salary. Salt preserved food, healed wounds, and purified the soul. This Salt is one of Olokun’s gifts to humanity. It is harvested from the ocean’s bounty. Consequently, Olokun’s realm is vast. Its reach spans into commerce and global trade.
In a certain narrative, Olokun sent a messenger to the mortal realm. The messenger was a wise and cunning diplomat. It carried Olokun’s offer: a pinch of salt to seal alliances, forge trade agreements, and ensure prosperity. The people rejoiced, for Olokun’s gift brought wealth and stability to their communities.
However, another narrative tells the story of Olokun’s warnings. Olokun said transformation and change are inevitable, and all excessiveness has consequences. Men became too sure, then they forgot Olokun’s blessings and spiritual essence. They insulted the ocean’s power. With pollution and disruption of the delicate balance of the water bodies, Olokun’s wrath was stirred.
Storms and disasters follow from unsustainable practices. Men therefore become humbled and contrite as a result of destruction and loss. They seek forgiveness and adopt sustainability. By seeking Olokun’s forgiveness, another narrative recounts how Olokun further revealed more secrets of the ocean’s fertility and power. Our people have thus learned to respect the sea’s power, harnessing its energy to rejuvenate the land.
Several narratives reinforce Olokun’s significance. Olokun’s realm covers life, death, and rebirth. The ocean’s cycles mirror humanity’s journey: birth, growth, decay, and renewal. Salt, the symbol of Olokun’s power till today remains essential to human existence. It is a reminder of Olokun’s benevolence and wrath.
This piece is a testament to the enduring power of the ocean and its ruler, Olokun – the guardian of salt, trade, and the tides of fate. As we honor the ocean’s majesty and respect its power, men still seek Olokun’s continued blessings. Likewise, from the depths of the ocean, Olokun’s whispers echo through the waves, reminding us of the sacred pact between humanity and the sea.