Petrol station during fuel scarcity

Fuel scarcity: inefficiency or exploitation

Fuel is an important part of a Nigerian’s daily life. Every activity that requires electricity in Nigeria is one way or the other affected by fuel. Transportation, productivity, commodity prices and general living in Nigeria is connected and affected by the availability and price of fuel. This is due to so many factors which have various underlying causes that are unique to the Nigerian situation.… Read more

Why not change

Preamble… Before Jonathan lost the Election, a lot of well-meaning folks asked why I would board a sinking ship, especially since I was a stern critique of the ship’s occupancy. As usual, the Change! people alleged I was paid to do so; it doesn’t take much sense after all. Some just concluded I was intellectually blind, as Soyinka was alleged to have said. And through… Read more

The Beauty of Democracy

The past eight weeks have seen me defend my President against all odds. I try to see the best in people, that is my flaw; and i have learnt to ignore flaws, since I see them so easily. I have campaigned for Jonathan, not because he is the best, not because he is excellent, and definitely not because I have been paid to do so.… Read more

Of Desperation and Dissapointments

Twenty-eleven was a desperate year in the State, it was time for a new Governor. The civil servants demanded a new face, but for the average ò•kadà man, it was time to balance the scales. He was tired of servitude to the Association. There must be others. And he was right. The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria guarantees the Right to Freedom of… Read more
Goodluck Jonathan

Clues or Less

I sat down there behest, tense, sweaty, unsure. This was the final straw. They asked how my Long Case went, it was great but I feigned sadness. I needed them to believe I had been subdued, to think I needed help, which I did. They felt my sadness and synchronised with me. Lucky me. Then I picked my question from the pool: Discuss the differential… Read more

Me and now

Few years ago I conducted a study wherein I asked my FB friends to translate a simple sentence starting with “You and I” into as many languages as they are able to. (Not) Surprisingly, while non-African languages typically place “You” before “I”, African languages typically place the Speaker, “I”, before the Other, “You”! Where is our chivalry? You and I are a selfish lot! Sometime… Read more