Why should I ask why?
We learn from our experiences or from the experience of others. In all we do, we constantly need to know the reason for the things we do, knowing why we want something, why we do the things we do, why we act the way we do. Asking why makes us have second thoughts and reason deeper, it helps us priotize and get better. As we advance in life we realize, we have more knowledge than we did in the past, there’s never an end to our questions but as soon as we have the reason to our questions, we develop, our knowledge improves, new problems arise but we are better of.
How should I ask why?
Ask in humilty, ask with a desire to get better, with a desire to know, ask with a zeal to learn. Seek and compare the knowledge you get, simplify your question with a goal in mind, do not undermine or over priotize any answer that you get, as you progress in your quest for your answer, compare and relate the answers you get.
Why should I ask myself why?
As we grow in any area, we discover new things, we discover new ideas, we discover new ways of looking at things. One must know that regardless of whatever level he his, he does not know everything yet. To get better, one must regularly access and determine reasons behind things that surround them. We learn a lot of things from people, starting from what we like that others do, what we don’t like, what we see, what we hear. We learn conciously and unconciously and everything we learn influences our future, it influences the influence we have on our environment, it shapes our futures. Therefore one must constantly check to sever out the wrongs and hold on to the truth and good.
Why should I be good?
The core of everyone’s purpose is to be happy, we all want to be happy, as we go through life, we begin to attach this desire to a lot of things, some attach this desire to their careers, some to their partners, some to satisfaction of the hurt they have experienced, some on revenge and so on. Our desires to be happy may be right or wrong, right or wrongs is also relative. If right or wrong is relative, then what should be the standard? I say God.
Why should God be a standard for good?
The word I, means Adebowale Adeola to me, just like it refers to every individual that uses the word, what is good is relative to various people, what is right is also relative to us all. However, God created all things, he knows us but has given us the ability to make choices, everything valuable is hidden and is not easily known. Therefore I propose knowing God would help set our standards.
How will God set standards for individuals?
To know about human cells, one has to first believe there is something to be known, has to patiently study, hear opinions of people, access them and follow procedures to actually observe them and study them. The process is different for studying planets, the weather, different languages, cultures or anything that one desires to know about. First, know God is a spirit, he is holy and those who seek him, seek him in spirit and truth. Come to terms with yourself, seek the truth within you. Set time for yourself to restrain yourself from all the pleasures you normally enjoy for a period of time, continually tell yourself your desires in a positive way. Speak positively like so, I know the truth, I seek the truth, I am good and I will get better. Pile up those desired attributes and repeatedly tell them to yourself and believe.
Anything is possible if you believe, decide to get better, to find your happiness and know why. God help you.